Writing Ideas

Here are some article ideas I've had floating around in the back of my brain:

  • Sleep apnea - how to deal with it if you don't have insurance
  • Sleep apnea - not using your cpap? here are techniques and tricks to make it work for you
  • Sleep apnea - exercises, gadgets and practices to beat this killer
  • Sleep apnea - do you have it? you don't have to be fat or male to have it, and those online screening quizzes for it might cost you your life
  • Lateral Epicondyl Tendonitis - The Tyler Twist is a cure
  • Aching at your computer? These gadgets and practices can help
  • Cats - all the best products to pamper your furry overlord (Actually, the cats wrote an article on this already, but I could do one too, and, not to toot my own horn, but I write a lot better than them.)
  • Cats - Bladder infections can kill male cats within 24 hours. Here's what you need to know
  • Cat heroes - Cats that have saved lives (I have touched on this, but haven't done a formal article). Housecats have saved people from fire, carbon monoxide, and intruders. Twitch woke me up when I stopped breathing. There was also a pride of lions in Africa that saved a girl from kidnappers a couple years ago. Cats are mysterious animals.
  • Cats with jobs - Again, I've blogged, but no formal article. There are lots of cats that have actual jobs, believe it or not. 
  • Crazy badass cats - cats chasing bears, cats fighting alligators, cats killing snakes. crazy stuff
  • Cats that have solved crimes. Seriously, it's happened. DNA analysis of cat hair got a murderer convicted quite recently. 100 years ago, a cat's frightened reaction to a murderer led to him confess. 
  • Beauty products - all my favorites. I've spend 45 years on this planet, trying all kinds of stuff. I think I've got a system now.
  • 10 minute meals - I have several recipes that require 10 minutes or less prep time
  • English usage errors, the words: peak vs pique, incidents vs incidence and all the other errors that drive me nuts
  • English usage errors, the grammar: "whom" is not a fancier version of "who". "I" is not more formal than "me". "Politeness" is not a factor in English grammar--ask "me or anyone" about it. (But don't ask "anyone or me".)
  • English usage errors, the punctuation: Flipping quotation marks. Do they go inside or outside of the period/comma/question mark? Capitalization after a colon, when do we do it?


  1. Good ideas, Chris. Can't wait to read my faves from your list!

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting, Joyce. Which ones are your faves?
