Stars: a poem by Chris Hugh

I want to go where the sky is dark

        And turn my face from the heavens

     And read a book by starlight.

I hate poetry.

That last line isn't part of the poem.

This line isn't either.

The last THREE lines are not part of the poem.

           I mean the last four lines.

                Forget it.

Charlotte the Scarlett Harlott: by the Anchorite

Charlotte the Scarlett Harlott
by the Anchorite

Charlotte looked at her reflection. Blood leaked from multiple wounds, her dress was torn to shreds, and her left eye was a gory ruin. She smiled. Sweet success.
As Pale Cadaver's makeup artist she created the elaborate effects for the heavy metal band's live performances, specializing in buckets of blood and gory wounds. Not bad for a beauty school dropout, she thought, as she removed the latex-and-putty patch over her left eye.

The Poet of her Dark Heart

The Poet of her Dark Heart
by the Anchorite
Cadbury Cadsworth chuckled as he read yet another story of the London Butcher, the mysterious serial killer that terrorized the city. The constabulary had no leads on the identity of the brutal murderer so named because he used meat cleavers, carving knives, and other butcher’s tools to coammit his ghastly crimes.
Cadsworth took satisfaction in the thought that the clueless authorities would never apprehend him as he ventured on his killing sprees at leisure. He began his path by eliminating his parents. He killed Dad to inherit the Cadsworth estate and he killed Mum for naming him Cadbury.

Tired? Your Diet Might Be to Blame

An apple a day keeps the zombies at bay

 an article I wrote on S
quidoo about eating well. I review five great books that I've read on the subject. The books are not about weight loss or dieting. They're about eating real food: the nutritious, traditional foods we humans were meant to eat.

If you just want to skip ahead and buy the books, they're here on my Amazon Store. Each book has a short review that I wrote. I've read all these books, by the way. With very few exceptions, I have everything that I sell on my Amazon store. I only recommend what I consider the best--the stuff I've spent my own sadly-limited resources on and found worthwhile. Click here to go to the store.

Sleep Apnea is a Killer

People can stop breathing for 40 seconds or longer
Some stop breathing permanently

Yeah, stopping breathing hundreds of times a night can ruin your health. It can even kill you. Who'd have thought it? Oh, and it can make you gain weight. The horror!

Here's an article I wrote about sleep apnea. It's got information and cool gadgets, too. You don't have to be male or obese to have sleep apnea.

Two new articles on Squidoo

When will this computer fad end???

Are you in pain at your computer?

Humans just weren't designed to slouch in front of a screen, making tiny finger movements for 9 hours a day.

But here's an article that can help you cope, fight computer pain and try to get rid of repetitive stress injury.

By the way THE TYLER TWIST IS A CURE FOR TENNIS ELBOW. I just want the world to know that. It's given me hope.